MIT481 Megger Megger MIT481, Insulation Tester 200GΩ CAT IV 600 V 1000V 20 mA, 200 mA

Part Nnumber
Megger MIT481, Insulation Tester 200GΩ CAT IV 600 V 1000V 20 mA, 200 mA
Basic price
764,88 EUR

The product with part number MIT481 (Megger MIT481, Insulation Tester 200GΩ CAT IV 600 V 1000V 20 mA, 200 mA) is from company Megger and distributed with basic unit price 764,88 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Battery Life2200 5-Second Tests Battery TypeAA Dimensions456 x 178 x 89mm Display TypeDigital Height89mm Length456mm Maximum Insulation Resistance Measurement200GΩ Maximum Operating Temperature+55°C Maximum Test Voltage1000V Minimum Operating Temperature-20°C Minimum Test Voltage50V Model Number pMIT481 Plug TypeType G - British 3-pin Power SourceBattery Safety CategoryCAT IV 600 V Safety Category LevelCAT IV Safety Category Voltage600V Test Current20 mA, 200 mA Tester TypeInsulation & Continuity Tester Weight1.75kg Width178mm Product Details MIT480 Series Telecom Insulation & continuity test Telecommunication insulation and continuity testers developed to meet the special requirements of telephone line testing, as well as the requirements of electrical contractors and industrial testing to CATIV 600V. All instruments meet TNV3 as well as IEC1010, HD384 and BSEN61557. The insulation test inhibit voltage has been raised to 75V to overcome interference between cables experienced at lower voltages, compared to 50V for standard cable testing. All models:Complies with EN 61010-1 CATIV 600V safety rating200mA & 20mA Continuity testingInsulation test voltage display75V test inhibitTRMS and DC Voltage measurementDual Digital Display and Analogue bar-graphAlkaline or NiMH rechargeable battery operationIP54 weatherproof housingTest lock allows the insulation test to be held on indefinitelyMIT480 specific features50V & 100V insulation testing 100Gohms insulation rangeMIT481 additional features50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V insulation tests200Gohms insulation rangeLeakage current displaykΩ resistance measurementTimer, PI and DAR insulation testsInsulation limit alarms0.1nF to 10uF Capacitance measurementCable length calculated from an adjustable cable capacitance reference (default 50nF/km).Test result storage (>1000)MIT485 additional featuresResult downloadBluetooth capability (requires Bluetooth enabled PC or USB plus Bluetooth adaptor) Insulation   Insulation range Basic Full Scale Accuracy ± 3% ± 2 digits Insulation measurement resolution   Digital 0.01MΩ Analogue range 1GΩ full scale Short Circuit Current 2 mA +0% -50% Test Current on load 1mA at min. pass value of insulation specified in BS7671, HD384 and IEC364, 2mA max. EN61557 Operating range 0,10MΩ to 1,00GΩ Continuity   Measurement 0,01 Ω to 99,9 Ω (0 to 100 Ω on analogue scale) Accuracy ± 3% ± 2 digits (0 to 100Ω ) Test current: 200mA (–0mA, +20mA) (0.01 Ω to 9.99 Ω) 20mA(±1mA ) (10.0Ω to 99.9Ω) Lead resistance zeroing Up to 9,00 Ω Buzzer Variable limit 1Ω, 2Ω, 5Ω, 10Ω, 20Ω Resistance   Measurement 0,01 kΩ to 1000 kΩ (0 to 1 MΩ on analogue scale) Accuracy ± 3% ± 2 digits Digital Voltage range   0 to 600Vdc ± 2% ± 2 digits 10mV to 600V TRMS sinusoidal (40 to 400Hz) ±2% ±1digit Default Voltmeter Operates at >25 volts a.c. or d.c. on any range except OFF Frequency 40-450Hz (40Hz - 99,9Hz ±0.5% ± 1digit) Capacitance (MIT481 & MIT485)   Measurement range 100 pF to 10 uF Accuracy ± 5.0% ± 2 digits Distance by capacitance: (MIT481 & MIT485)   Arithmetic conversion from capacitance measurement.Default capacitance measurement:50pF/m   Capacitance range 40pF/m to 60pF/m General   Battery life 2200 insulation tests with duty cycle of 5 sec ON /55sec OFF @ 1000Vinto 1Mohm Dimensions/ weight 220 x 92 x 50 mm, 775g Applications   MIT480 MIT481 MIT485 Application   Telecommunications   Insulation Voltage range       50V, 100V X X X 250V, 500V, 1000V   X X Insulation range 10GΩ 200GΩ 200GΩ Leakage current display   X X Insulation test voltage display X X X Continuity       Variable current limit 20mA or 200mA X X X K ohms range to 999 K ohms   X X Measurements       Default voltmeter TRMS to 600V X X X Frequency Hz- 40 to 400 Hz   X X Live circuit inhibit 75V X X X Capacitance (0.1nF to 10μF)   X X Distance by Capacitance   X X Features       TNV3 compliant X X X Switched remote probe   X X Backlight display X X X Timer function (t PI DAR)   X X Storage and downloading       Test result storage   X X Result recall to screen   X X Bluetooth download     X Download software     X Supplied with Hard carry case, rubber boot with stand, silicone test lead set, SP5 remote switch probe, 5 off AA alkaline batteries & instructions (CD-ROM). Megger Insulation & Continuity Testers

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